Saturday, December 8, 2007

I'm Not There; The Bob Dylan Phenomena

I’ve always thought of Bob Dylan as a cipher who channels culture. It must be a strange driven life to lead. Probably he doesn’t understand it himself. I think that would explain his impatience and frustration with the questioning public.

This movie captures the irrealis of his career. He keeps reinventing himself. A different actor plays each incarnation. There is conflict in the interaction between his public and the metamorphasizing Dylan. The scene where his car is surrounded by needy, rapacious groupies is truly freighting. The faces in the windows look cannibalistic. “You know who we ARE, what we are feeling. Tell us!”

The needs of his audiences are exacerbated by the emptiness of our materialism. He doesn’t have any more answers than anybody else. He is just telling the story.

This is a unique movie. It is certainly worth seeing. It is an impressionist movie form. You may have to see it more than once.

1 comment:

Elisabeth said...

Hi Sally, This seems an odd way to contact you but I don't have your email address. It's Libby Jackson (Mary's daughter) My mother is staying with us for Christmas and your card with the blog address was forwarded here. She is very frail and has a poor short term memory but has been able to travel here and will be going on to Tasmania next weekend. My address is if you want to write. I enjoy your blog very much - very interesting and well-written - unlike most that I see. My son who is in Sweden has quite a good one Hope to hear from you, Libby