Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Loss of Power

Virginia and I returned to my house in the midst of a “blackout”. There was no electricity from 12 pm till 8 pm. It was a shock after the air-conditioned coolness of the Museum of Fine Arts and then the secluded, quiet, cool car interior on the way home.

We kept the house closed and it stayed fairly cool inside. There is a lot of insulation. It really makes me understand how dependent I am on our electricity supply. We had no lights, cooking, cooling, refrigerator; telephone, computer, TV, radio, hot water. The house was "dead".

It was such a relief when the power returned at 8pm and the electric clock started flashing. The fan in the kitchen ceiling started turning, the furnace came on to heat up the water. It is all well and good to say we must save oil and gas but how are we to generate the power we have all become dependent on? The scary thing is, that we will be even more dependent on electricity as the earth warms and the summers become hotter. It is a vicious circle.

What happened to the swing in the shade of the front porch? Where is the hand held fan? How long since I’ve seen a pitcher of lemon aid with its sweating glass and floating ice cubes?

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