Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Perfect Man

I'm thinking about all the men that I have to say good bye to.

If you are lucky you can create the perfect man in your life from a composite of the men you have known and been close to.

I started this train of thought this morning thinking about my Financial Manager. I started my association with him, testing him in 1997. I gave him my inheritance from my mother and my IRA to manage. I thought, "I'll see how he does with this and take it from there."

Well, he did very well and gave me a lot of education about investing at the same time.

When it came time for Ken to retire we went to him for help with our understanding and management of our financial future. He, Jim, came up with a simple but brilliant plan for managing our combined resources.

Another piece of this "Perfect Man" was my husband, protector, provider, father for my children, friend, companion.

Then there have been the friends that have provided the masculine point of view in my life, Jay, Bill, Aram, Tom. Such fun people. Smart, willing to engage in intellectual explorations.

When I put them all together I realize I have been fortunate to have a "Perfect Man" in my life.


Natalie Harris said...

Sally...why are you saying GOOD BYE? Are you moving?

Natalie Harris said...

Alana just emailed me. I am sad to the core, but I really knew. Thank you for the afternoon in November. I love you. As I think more, I am not as sad. I am so grateful for you to be in a different place loving, guiding me, from there. I smile as I think of your leaving and of Alana's new one coming, and wonder if you helped. I can see you holding this soul in your arms and assuring them Alana & Anthony would be a happy safe place to land in this big scary world. I think of you visiting me here and seeing the teaspoons, and china plates and my kids. Thank you for LIKING me as well as loving me. Oh, how I so like YOU. Be there for me when I cross over will you?
My love to all who have come before, especially those you taught me to love. I am thrilled with any and all help you can bring on my journey. Until then....